
"A library isn’t just a library. It is a space ship that will take you to the farthest reaches of the Universe, a time machine that will take you to the far past and the far future, a teacher that knows more than any human being, a friend that will amuse you and console you — and most of all, a gateway, to a better and happier and more useful life." Isaac Asimov

Welcome to the Simba International School Library

Our Learning Resource Centre is designed for both group and independent study that encourages exploration, creativity and collaboration between students and teachers.

Opening Times - during School Term

Monday -Thursday 07:20hrs -16:00hrs

Friday 07:20hrs -12.45hrs

How is the library arranged?

The Library is arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System.

What materials does the library contain? The Library has a number of collections of books and other material.

These are: -Reference Collection (upper floor towards the right window).Books in this collection are encyclopedias, dictionaries, books of special interest and value. These books cannot be borrowed.

General Non-fiction Collection (upper floor - follows on from Reference Collection) although this collection is primarily for use by secondary students other pupils can consult texts when doing research for science projects etc. The literature (800) and careers section (371) are housed on the lower floor.

Secondary School pupils can either change books during a library period, if timetabled, during break or before 1600hrs.

Parents and alumni are also welcome to join the School Library and borrow books.

How are the books issued?

The issue system is computerized. Students are issued with a borrower’s card with a unique number, which is kept at the issue desk.

Remember you cannot put a book on another pupil’s card.

Borrowing Books

All books being taken out have to be recorded on to the computer.

How long can I borrow library books for?

Primary school pupils may borrow library books for up to one week.

Secondary school pupils and parents may borrow library books for up to two weeks.

Books may be renewed twice, unless a title has been reserved for another borrower.

If Sixth Form students need to borrow books for a longer period they must obtain permission from the librarian.

Overdue Books

A list of overdue secondary books is put up on the Secondary School notice board weekly. If pupils have any library items which are overdue they cannot borrow more books.

Overdue books will be fined at K2.00 per week.

Book Clubs

The Library operates the Redhouse International Schools Book Club, now referred to as ISBC. Pupils may order books from the catalogues once a term.

Primary Non-fiction Collection (upper floor on the right). Although this collection is intended for use by primary pupils, secondary students may borrow books from this collection.

The myths, legends etc (398) and the literature collections (800) are housed on the lower floor.

Senior and Adult fiction is housed on the lower floor to the left of the stairs. The Librarian may not allow younger pupils to borrow books, which are considered unsuitable for their age.

Primary fiction is housed in the middle of the lower floor. Both primary and secondary students can borrow these books.

Grade 3 may borrow books from the book stack in the centre of the section.

Infant fiction and non-fiction books can be found to the right of the stairs on the lower floor. This area is also used for primary library classes.

Periodical Collection - Simba International School subscribes to a number of periodicals and The Times of Zambia.

Teacher Resources - The library has a small collection of teacher resources.

Internet – the library has two terminals available, one for the Librarian and the other for the Sixth Form pupils.

An IT technician is available in the library to help out with technical problems, concerning computers.